Mission Statement: 2020

My relationship with the web

It is obviously important for traditional websites to work alongside evolving digital ecosystems: apps, social media, APIs, IoT, etc.

But the web can still be celebrated and protected as a unique medium. Free (almost) and democratic (perhaps). A space to exercise complete control. To express our value — and values — unhindered.

I'm fascinated by the tension between this and the undeniable convenience provided by the walled gardens of the few market sharers. With each passing year the big names invite us to hand over more and more of our personal information — more of our lives.

In my work I'm constantly reminded that it's people like us — the practised, the passionate, the driven — who are well placed to help push forward the medium.

To steer the web in the right direction. We do this through a magical combination of insight and instinct. We walk a tightrope between dependable convention and unexpected flourish.

Data can be useful, but can only tell us so much about what someone is going through when they use our products.

I love the opportunity to dig deeper. To consider the real people we call "users".

How can we better cater for their physical or mental ability? For their unique environmental conditions and socioeconomic status? For their specific emotional state?

I write this whilst on COVID-19 lockdown. In this time of reflection, adjustment and hardship, we’re reminded how digital can connect us. It can help maintain and improve our lives.

When it’s used well.